Makeup overload.
I have a problem. I lovvvve makeup.
Wait, that's not a problem. My wallet just doesn't love my addiction as much as I do. :')
After the bf, so amazing and awesome, bought me the Cinderella collection, I had to pick up a few gifts for my friend and my JCP order. Because of course I bought new workout pants on sale. First stop was Sephora in JCP. I picked up Sephora's African Violet (I die it's so perfect), my order, and headed on to Mac where I DIDN'T buy anything. BE PROUD.
A quick stop at the tattoo shop and I was on the way to Ulta. My wallet quivered at the thought of the possibilities. Alas, there was nothing to worry about. I was on a mission to pic up some NYX lippies that might compliment my new Mac Cinderella. I would have to say, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
In my hunt for Liners, I noticed the NYX lip creams. So I picked up a few. Two NYX Simply Red in Knock out and Leading Lady and one NYX Simply Vamp in Aphrodisiac.
This is important.
THESE LIPPIES ARE AMAZING. Bravo, NYX. Bravo. I've seen this collection around, but with the NYX soft matte cream lip gloss and the NYX matte lipstick I definitely put it on the back burner. Never again. I need to start just swatching more than just my favorites in store. Here's a quick peak of them. 

How gorgeous are they!?
I'll be back for more. Guarantee.
Anyway. To get to my "featured lipstick," I present to you SEPHORA AFRICAN VIOLET.
I CRY. It's so amazing. The color is vibrant as hell. I know it looks a little pink in the last photo, but it's definitely violet. It reminded me my swatches of Too Faced Melted Fig. I actually thought it was a dupe, but as you can see below it's not.
Side by side, Too Faced Fig really brings out the violet in Sephora's African Violet. Definitely can see the difference in them. If you remember my post featuring Too Faced Melted Fig, you may understand where I was going with it.
The wear on these stains is extremely impressive. Sephora's formula is amazing. I would even say they're better than NYX soft matte cream lipsticks. Then again, they're double the cost. Worth it though, I promise. Especially because the staying power is AMAZING. Story time.
I slept in this morning. It was almost 10 when I rolled over and asked the bf the time. As soon as he said, "it's going to be 10," I shot out of bed to get ready. We had made plans to go shopping and I had hopes to get my new bike this morning. We toyed with the idea of going still or not since by the time we were ready it would be well after 11. He was probably going to get called in to work early (he did) so we needed enough time to get him to work. So instead of shopping, we decided to do a photo shoot (yes, I love doing shoots of people). We each shower, take our times getting ready, I GET ALL DOLLED UP.... and then he gets the call to come in early. Change. Of. Plans. Sad day. We take a few selfies, I get the above photos, and then we're off for a quick grocery trip before he heads in to work.
After a quick breakfast, he heads to work and I head to Badger Mountain to go on a trail run. Keep in mind, I'm still dolled up with the side by side lip swatches. One side Too Faced Fig, the other Sephora African Violet. So I run. And run. And run. I make it to the top, and of course, selfie. My makeup looked goooooood. At least I did to my standards. Then I head down. Finally, 8.2 miles later, I'm back at the bottom. By the time I had my drink of water wipe away the sweat and look in the mirror, my lipstick is pretty much gone. Except, as you can see below, there's still some Sephora African Violet. It's not much, but considering everything it's gone through and the slight tint still there, I'm happy. See below.
So yea, I love them.
I went back for 3 more today.
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