Lean Mean Lipstick Machine

What a title, amirite? 

I actually wanted to save it for next week. Because next week is when (drum roll please) MY NEW JEFFREE STAR LIPPYS COME IN. *cue cheers* 

I did it. After major hesitating and maybes and maybe nots. I did it. I went through and stayed up for the midnight release of Jeffree Star's new Queen Supreme and #714. The latest limited edition pastel spring colors. Reason for my hesitation? Fear. I was (still kinda am) scared they wouldn't look good on me. After some debate, Queen Supreme became the front runner for a definitely purchase. Just hours before the launch I sat and toyed with the idea of buying #714. It's a pastel coral. Jeffree Star describes it as "peachy coral." 11:58 rolls around, colors go live. I'm scrambling to order Queen Supreme. I ask Jessy if I should go for it and buy #714 and, of course, he says yes. So here we are. 

I'm pretty excited. And I cannot wait to swatch them.  

The next morning all I could think of was my Jeffree Stars.  

A friend in New York made her first Jeffree Star purchase with me. And she was curious if she'd like them. She's big on searching before purchasing. And really, who could blame her? I just tend to buy everything in hopes that I love it. Anyway, I knew she had tried Kat Von D liquid lipsticks so I figured I'd do a side by side search for her. 
Kat Von D Outlaw vs. Jeffree Star Cosmetics RedRum. 
Left side features Jeffree Star RedRum.  
As you can see it stands out more than Kat Von D's Outlaw. It's a subtle difference, but it's most definitely there if you're a lipstick freak like me. 
Here's some side swatches. You can see the difference a little more when you show one side at a time. 
Left side featuring Kat Von D Outlaw. 
Right side featuring Jeffree Star Cosmetics RedRum. 

Both are flawless and beautiful. But honestly? Don't tell anyone, but I really love Jeffree Star Cosmetics more. EVEN THOUGH I am a life long Kat Von D lipstick lover. How could I not be? Oh, and for the record, Jeffree Star Cosmetics retail for $18 for .18 oz but are only available on his website for now. He's still considered indie. Kat Von D sells for $20 for .22 oz and can be found at Sephora in addition to her website. 

Now that the serious business is done and over with! I want to share my UPDATED Jeffree Star Cosmetics lippys. You know, in celebration of my two new ones being shipped. If you remember, my last swatches of I'm Royalty, Prom Night, and RedRum kinda (really) sucked. So here you go! 
Above, the lovely and perfect Prom Night. 
Below, I'm Royalty *hearty eyes* 

Much perfection. 
Such beauty. 
So bold. 
Very glamourous. 

I think that's it... For now. I have a lot to talk about and have no idea where to start! But for now, 

The end. XoXo


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