New New| Palettes and Looks

As usual, it has been about a year (not really) since I've posted a blog. I keep saying I am going to be more consistent, but that never happens so I will just disclose now that I will try my HARDEST to post more, but no promises.

So most recently I bought/gifted a few palettes that I am dying to create looks for. Four new palettes to be exact. I thought it would be a good start to share what I am working on currently.

Since this is my FIRST Lime Crime Palette, I will admit that I am intimidated af. It's so pretty! I have had my eyes on the others for awhile now, but when this one came out I felt it was a sign to just go for it. I plan on recording tomorrow (Sunday 3/4). That means the video will probably not go up for about a week.

As for the other palettes, I've created looks for the Kristen Leanne X Urban Decay.

AND the Jeffree Star Blood Sugar palette

I have full intentions to do separate posts on both palettes, btw! In fact, that might be what I post tomorrow or Monday. Again, TRYING to be more consistent. No promises.

But my questions currently is, have you tried any of these palettes? Send me looks for inspo!



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